Ultra Iron status health check

Requires: Small blood sample required.

Requires: Small blood sample required.



Product Description

During pregnancy, your body increases its blood volume by 30-50%. Due to this increase in blood volume, your body uses iron to make the extra blood (haemoglobin) needed for you and your growing baby. Iron also helps move oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body and to your baby’s and it plays an essential role in your baby?s growth and brain development.

Pregnacinic ultra ?iron test is a sensitive comprehensive test and accurately check the levels of iron in your blood, to determine whether you have sufficient levels of iron , shows signs of becoming anaemic or already anaemic. It is important to check your iron levels as Iron-deficiency anemia during pregnancy is associated with preterm delivery, low birth weight, and infant mortality.

Who is this for & Importance

It is important to make sure your blood iron levels are sufficient throughout your pregnancy , to make sure ?you do not become anaemic during your your baby grows strong and healthy and for you to maintain a healthy during your pregnancy and also post pregnancy.

How it Works

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer rhoncus quam erat, sit amet volutpat neque varius a. Cras in suscipit ipsum. In sed tortor dolor. Suspendisse molestie venenatis augue, sed finibus leo auctor et. Duis egestas quam vel velit rhoncus, eu volutpat quam tincidunt. Fusce fermentum porta nibh, non interdum lorem egestas nec. Mauris orci dolor, laoreet eu diam quis, gravida interdum nunc. Phasellus non ornare ante. Nunc dapibus sem a ullamcorper tincidunt. Pellentesque rhoncus, est sit amet dictum vehicula, lorem felis condimentum nulla, quis vestibulum risus nulla eget dui. Mauris ornare semper eleifend. Mauris purus tortor, lacinia eget nisl nec, egestas luctus risus. Ut interdum urna eget orci sodales, a euismod dui faucibus. Vivamus vitae sollicitudin urna. Etiam ornare magna mauris, ac interdum dui gravida quis.

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